Investor – Real Estate Expert

Ogólnopolski Kongres Geodetic

Popraw strategię procesów inwestycyjnych.

2019/11/14 09:00:00



Prelegenci Kongresu Geodetic 2019

Senior Leasing Manager w Panattoni Development Company

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Associate Director w Hamilton International

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Dyrektor zarządzający, właściciel w Vestoria

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MCIOB, Associate Director – Building Consultancy at CBRE Poland

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Konrad Młynkiewicz– Radca Prawny Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Konrad Młynkiewicz

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Radca prawny, Wspólnik Zarządzający w V.Anweiler, M.Kotulla, K.Kwaśniewicz Kancelaria Radców Prawnych CASUS IURIS Sp.j. we Wrocławiu.

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Geodetic Vice-CEO, Court Expert, Licensed Land Surveyor (1, 2) Author, Trainer

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Geodetic Board Member, Court Expert, CRE Advisor, Investor, Lecturer

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Geodetic CEO, Editor in Chief of The Geodetic "Investor - Real Estate Expert", Investor, Author

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Zostań prelegentem Geodetic

Jesteś z branży nieruchomości?

Jesteś wieloletnim praktykiem?

Lubisz dzielić się wiedzą?


Geodetic Vice-CEO, Court Expert, Licensed Land Surveyor (1, 2) Author, Trainer

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Geodetic CEO, Editor in Chief of The Geodetic "Investor - Real Estate Expert", Investor, Author

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Geodetic Board Member, Measurement Technology Manager, Team Head, Surveyor, Author, Trainer

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Geodetic Board Member, Court Expert, CRE Advisor, Investor, Lecturer

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Measure it soon!